Three new VKFF references in South Gippsland

Sunday 21 January 2024

I was a little slow off the mark this morning, hitting the road at around 0940. During the drive, I spoke on the phone with Warren VK3BYD, who was about to activate Mount Tassie VK3/VT-046. Warren said that he would wait to work me for a Summit to Summit (S2S) contact. I headed southwest to Boolarra then south to Gunyah Junction and then worked my way around to Mount Fatigue. There were a few fallen branches to dodge on the way, but nothing that required getting out of the car to move the obstruction.

Mount Fatigue VK3/VT-057 595 m 2 points
Mount Fatigue Scenic Reserve VKFF-3785 Not previously activated

It is interesting that the SOTA database has the summit height as 595 m. The official Victorian Survey Marks Enquiry Service shows the height as 581.4 m (one entry of 584.5 m). This creates a minor difference in reality for the SOTA Activator, as the two knolls at the hill are both above the 570 m contour, so one could activate on either knoll. It is easiest to activate near the end of the main access road at the “lookout”. The northwestern mast is actually outside the Reserve boundary, thus excluding that area from consideration if planning an activation of both the Summit and the Park. There is a shelter just west of the turnaround area – follow the obvious track through the scrub. The view is becoming reduced as the vegetation grows and will eventually block the view south to Wilsons Promontory unless action is taken to clear the growth.

The Reserve was added to the WWFF program on 30 April 2023.

There were no views on this visit due to low cloud, combined with reasonably strong winds. There had been rain earlier in the morning and the forecast was for possible showers. I set up by strapping a squid pole to one of the posts and strung out the doublet roughly east-west, setting the radio up on a folding table. I used the IC-7300 and an 100 Ahr LiFePO4 battery, allowing for higher transmit power.

As soon as I was set up, I set the radio to 7.032 CW and called Warren VK3BYD. A S2S contact was soon in the log – a great way to start an activation. Warren closed down and I stayed on the frequency, soon working two more stations before a spot came through. I quickly jumped up to the spotted frequency and worked Joel VK3LE on VK3/VG-001 in VKFF-0619 for a S2S and P2P. I returned to 40 m CW and worked another four contacts. I then moved back up the band to work Malcolm VK3OAK in VKFF-3668, followed by another 13 contacts. Next, I tried 10 m CW, making five contacts. I then jumped back to 40 m SSB to work Garrick VK3GJG in VKFF-3631, only a few minutes prior to UTC midnight.

On the new UTC Day, I started on 40 m SSB. I worked 21 stations in the first 18 minutes, including P2P with VK3GJG and VK3OAK. I then tried 40 m CW, making four contacts. With 53 contacts logged, the reference was comfortably qualified for WWFF. I closed down and packed up.

I drove back to Toora Gunyah Road and headed south, winding my way to Mount Best, then navigated way around to the next reference. I stopped on the way to work Joel VK3LE, now on VK3/VE-007. I made my way around to the car park in the next park.

Agnes Falls Scenic Reserve VKFF-3574 Not previously activated

I decided to go for a walk and check out the waterfall.

Not quite all of Agnes Falls.

I then returned to the car and moved away from the crowd, up to near the start of the drop to the car park. I set up here, but was not happy with the antenna tuning. I made four contacts before I decided to relocate.

I had noticed a small vehicle track part way down to the car park, which leads in to a water tank with a roof shelter. My guess is the structure roof provides water to the tank to feed to the amenities block at the car park. I drove into the track and parked. I soon had a line over a branch and the antenna erected. I was back on air after a break of only 10 minutes. The callers were soon all worked, so I moved to 20 m SSB, working 12 stations. I next tried 10 m CW, making three contacts, followed by 10 m SSB, with another three contacts. 17 m CW produced two contacts before I jumped back to 40 m SSB to work Adam VK2YK in VKFF-0890 and Malcolm VK3OAK in VKFF-3680. I next tried 20 m CW, making six contacts. I then jumped to 20 m SSB and again worked Malcolm VK3OAK in VKFF-3680. With 52 contacts in the log, I closed down and packed up.

I drove up the hill and back to the north to Hazel Park (the direct road south on Agnes River Road is closed to traffic), then made my way to Toora. I then headed west on South Gippsland Highway to reach the roadside rest area at Franklin River Reserve. The access track near the eastern edge of the reserve was open, so I drove down the track to the parking area at the end of the track. I set up here, comfortably inside the boundary of the next park.

Franklin River Streamside Reserve VKFF-3688

I soon had a line over a tree branch and the doublet in the air, with the radio set up on the front passenger seat – there was drizzle and occasional rain showers.

I started hunting on 40 m SSB, working Joel VK3LE on VK3/VE-098 in VKFF-3791. I then jumped to 20 m SSB to work Adam VK2YK in VKFF-0890. I then spent 15 minutes calling on 20 m CW, with only one caller. I returned to 20 m SSB, this time spotting and working 15 stations. I tried 20 m CW again, working eight stations. I then jumped to 40 m SSB to hunt David VK5DG in VKFF-1113. 40 m CW was next, yielding six contacts. I then tried 40 m SSB, making 30 contacts, including Warren VK3BYD in VKFF-2464 and Rhian VK2FRBQ in VKFF-0091. I jumped to 40 m CW to again hunt Warren VK3BYD in VKFF-2464 before moving to a clear frequency and making another three contacts. I tried 20 m CW again, but only worked one station. I finished off on 40 m SSB, working Gavin VK2YAK and Richard VK2OKR, both in VKFF-1778. I then closed, with 74 contacts in the log. I packed up and headed back to the Highway, then headed west to Foster and Stoney Creek before heading northeast to cross the hills to return home.

Thanks to all who called.

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